Photo of Huaihou Yang

Huaihou Yang

Chinese: Public Relations Officer




  1. 弘扬中华文化:举办春节庆典、文化展览诸活动,於外向外国友人展示中华文化之美,於内增强华人学子之文化自信与民族自豪。
  2. 维护社团形象:与媒体合作,宣传我社之事迹并提升其影响力;遇危机时,迅速反应,维护社团声誉。
  3. 促进对外沟通:增强与诸外国社团之往来,共同举办联谊活动以增进理解、消除隔阂,共建和谐校园。
  4. 加强内部协作:建立沟通平台以倾听同窗之声,若有反应之事迅速处理,实现互助共进。


My name is Huaihou (Apollo), and I seek your support for the role of Public Relations Officer in the Chinese Society.

Having studied abroad for several years, I am learned with English, German, Swedish, Spanish and Japanese. As a Council Representative of the Imperial College Union and the Spanner Bearer for CGCU, I have gained extensive experience working with home students and democratic organisations. I am familiar with the college’s institutions, principles, and operations.

Far from home, I often yearn for the warmth and beauty of my homeland, especially during cold winters abroad. Witnessing global instability, I take pride in China’s prosperity and glorious history. Today, Chinese students are a vibrant presence across the college. This election is an opportunity I embrace wholeheartedly, and I am committed to fostering strong relationships between our society, compatriots, overseas Chinese, and international friends. I will:

  1. Promote Chinese culture through festivals and exhibitions.
  2. Enhance the society’s image through media and crisis management.
  3. Foster cross-cultural exchange with other societies.
  4. Build communication platforms to unite and support Chinese students.

I humbly ask for your trust and vote. Let us work together for a brighter future.