Photo of Inez Baptista Coelho

Inez Baptista Coelho

Biology: Sponsorship Officer
Hi everyone!
My name is Inez, I’m a first-year bio student and I would love to be our society’s sponsorship officer next year! I am hard-working and will do my best to create connections with companies and associations in order to get BioSoc some sponsors for exciting events and financial support.
I have big plans for what we could become. BioSoc, having no sponsors at the moment, cannot provide many big events since it has no source of funding. I will ensure that our society offers more and new opportunities for students, such as keeping up with academic talks, having bigger events and offering more resources for our future researchers :)
Hopefully, my work in the next year will pave a better path for the society for the next generations of biologists, microbiologists and ecologists!
Don’t just hope for better. Be the change.