Photo of Jan Murillo

Jan Murillo

Filipino Society: Alumni Officer

Dear FiliSoc,

I would like to apply for the position of Alumni Officer as one of the remaining people with connections to the OG Filisoc members. Being in the society for the past 3 years, I'm sure I can advocate for the oldies and keep them in the loop of ICL FiliSoc and also help where I can with my experience as a previous committee member.

As a member of this society I am very proud of the family and community we have created here in London, and the society I am sure will only grow from here. I am looking forward to seeing how as a committee we can allow Filipino spirit to prosper at ICL, and with FiliSoc growing older, our alumni pool is growing and I'm sure I'll be able to host events, and keep each other in touch as we all get older.

Moreover, I love our food, the people, our events and as alumni officer I'm sure I can provide some organisational skills and uncompleted events to the table of next year's committee.

Thanks for reading!