Photo of Aidan Lung

Aidan Lung

Prosthetics: Cybathlon Leg Lead

Through a promotion from the current knee subassembly lead, I am hoping to broaden my responsibilities so that I can provide as much support as possible to the entirety of the Cybathalon Leg team. As an upcoming 4th year Mechanical Engineering student, I have had notable experience with mechanical design and manufacturing. Furthermore, as project lead, I would be more capable of providing technical support through CAD design or FEA to all subassembly teams. This year alone, knee team has:

1. Performed a full redesign of the knee section

2. Produced a model prototype of an intermediate design

3. Verified calculations by hand and through FEA (all of which is documented on Teams)

4. Begun procuring suppliers for raw materials and manufacturing stage

As leg team lead, I intend to support all subassembly teams in achieving the same progress in preparation for the next Cybathlon competition. I hope I can count on your vote!