Photo of Mihnea Lazar

Mihnea Lazar

Fellwanderers (Imperial Hiking Society): Deputy President Weekend Trips

Hi! I'm running for this position as I'd love to be involved in event planning next year! I think I could contribute to the society with my organisational skills, and of course by focusing on weekend trips. I have a few ideas about locations, and maybe we can run more/larger weekend-long trips, so that even more people can exprience the joys of a Monday 9 am coupled with physical exhaustion. Specifically I'd like to see if it would be viable to run some weekend trips to the North of England National Parks/Landscapes (e.g. Yorkshire Dales) since these *may* be more accesible than Scotland and I'd like to maybe seek alternative transportation methods (trains are sometimes very ineffcient time-wise, especially when loads of changes are involved). I will also support the committee more generally in running trips of all kinds. I'd also be open to input regarding trip ideas!