Photo of Rajveer Daga

Rajveer Daga

Fellwanderers (Imperial Hiking Society): Deputy President Tours

Hello, I am Rajveer, a first-year Physicist. I am running for a few deputy president positions. You might have seen me on a few hikes with my trekking poles (they are not a sign of weakness, only preparation). Being an active member in the society has really helped me build my endurance and confidence (or craziness) to attempt challenges like the 100k.

As deputy president, I would like to lead, navigate, and organise hikes, simply because hiking is fun and a great way to socialize (a great excuse to talk for a few hours). I hope to route us through a bit less mud next year.

If you want someone to talk with about Star Trek, LoTR, or some random topic in the middle of the muddy countryside or the occasional mountain or cliffsife, vote for me!