Photo of Keya Shah

Keya Shah

Jain: Publicity and Design Officer

Hi, my name is Keya and I’m excited to run for Publicity and Design Officer for Jain Soc! I believe that Jainism is so much more than just going to the temple - it’s a way of life that brings peace to oneself and others. I am passionate about making its belief system more accessible to students of all ages, given how big of a part it has played in shaping my own values.

As PDO, I would design banners and posters for our events each month and take charge of our social media accounts. Having previously contributed to advertising and marketing for a dance show performed by Navrang Arts a few years prior, I have a decent amount of experience in achieving this type of publicity, and I would definitely aim to make our socials more active and frequent in their posting. This would include including YT links to videos by Jain speakers such as Mukul Shah, bi-weekly posting of interesting articles on Jain dharma and their modern impacts, and more collaborative posts/events with other similar societies such as Hindu Soc to show members of both how similar our beliefs and goals really are despite surface-level differences in our culture.

JainSoc itself is a small society in Imperial, and so it's crucial that we expand our presence both in-person and online, so through my role as PDO next year I will ensure that both Imperial and non-Imperial students get a better understanding of who we are and what we do.