Aidan Birdi
Infectious Diseases Society: Chair
Hi I’m Aidan – a fourth year medic.
I’ve been involved in IDSoc for four years, and been on the committee for three years (as Secretary, Public Health Officer and Publicity Officer). I've been leading the societies' strategy in Term 2 and 3 this year. I have an excellent understanding of what makes IDSoc so amazing and what it might take to lead it!
My primary goals as chair would be to:
- Improve the popular appeal of our society amongst medical students. I would suggest, with consultation and agreement of the rest of the committee and members, that we consider broadening the scope of our society to include epidemiology, to plug a long-standing gap in ICSM academic societies. We may consider rebranding the society as: Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Society (IDESoc)
- Organise relevant amazing events and public health campaigns!
- Maintain strong collaborative links with ICSM societies and sponsors and Imperial academics. We want to continue our track record of hosting conferences, charity events, lectures and teaching. From the national SfGH conference in 2021, the AMR campaign in 2022, our fun-runs (to name a select few!) – and our ImmunoXIDSoc conference in 2023.
- Continue to provide peer-teaching revision sessions to our members.
- Focus on relevant and interesting themes for Imperial students, alongside increasing the variety of events – more socials!
- Work closely with other committee members to improve our society!
I have a long list of experience working in student society committees, including being Co-Chair of ICSM Coding.