Photo of Ji Oh Lee

Ji Oh Lee

Mechanical Engineering: Alumni and Industrial Liaison

Hey everyone! My name is Ji Oh, a first year MechEng student, and I’m excited to run for the Alumni and Industrial Liaison role next year!

You might be wondering—why is a first year MechEng student running to be an Alumni and Industrial Liaison? Well, with 3 more years ahead of me, I believe that I can build lasting relationships between alumni, industries, and Imperial ensuring the network to stray strong and grow for current and future students.

Having experienced a great alumni event at my previous school, I understand how important it is for graduates to feel connected to their alma mater. A strong alumni network not only helps foster a sense of belonging but also helps develop valuable opportunities for mentorship and career development. Additionally, I believe that industry connections are crucial in helping MechEng students gain real-world experience and explore various career paths.

As Alumni and Industrial Liaison, my main goals will be to:

  • Organise more Alumni events that encourage networking and strengthen alumni connections with Imperial.
  • Expand industry connections, aimed to create more opportunities for MechEng students to gain insights, internships, and career prospects.

I am committed to working with the rest of the MechEng committee members to make these goals come to life, making it easier for students to connect with alumni and find exciting opportunities for their future carrers!

Thank you for your support and reading through until the end :)