Photo of Jasmine Jokar

Jasmine Jokar

Plastic Surgery: Webmaster

Being a barista honed my team-working and collaboration skills. I am able to multitask under high pressure and demand, maintaining welcoming social interactions with attendees whilst facilitating the smooth running of the conferences.

My dedication to iPRAS, from delegate to subcommittee member, has made me fluent in logistics required to ensure the smooth running of events for everyone involved, as well as the correct impression to make on delegates and speakers. I know how talks are to be organised, as well as the work put in behind the scenes to allow active delegate involvement with the conference.

Helping at each conference this year has allowed me to actively participate in such efforts, such as setting up cameras and slides for demonstrators. Building rapport with speakers is something I look forward to continuing, allowing for their welcoming experience at Imperial and maintained relationships with them.

Volunteering at Muslim Medic’s PotMed Conference has supplemented my confidence when delivering conferences to external members.

As Social Secretary of Iranian Society, I consistently organised 100+ attendee events across London universities. This strengthened my communication and leadership skills, essential for coordinating meetings across the year.

Securing sponsorships and liaising with the Union, partners, and societies for Nowruz highlights my effective collaboration, a skill I’ll apply when working with the rest of committee, maximising engagement. Creating media promoting events throughout the year, and communicating with other university societies enables my comfortable settling into the role of webmaster, by managing the website and sharing media throughout the year.