Photo of Solly Kurzman

Solly Kurzman

Snowsports: Trip Secretary

Hello, lovers of snow. My name is Solly, and I am running to be Imperial Snowsports’ Trip Secretary.

What a year it’s been! Last year as President, I set the goal of getting more than 400 members on the trip; I am incredibly proud to say that we exceeded that, and now almost 450 of us will be heading out to Les Arcs very shortly.

This year, I have chosen to let someone else take up the mantle of President and focus on getting us up to a whopping 500 members. I will also help to supervise the transfer of junior members into more senior positions, to ensure core aspects of the club are preserved into the future.

My aims as Trip Sec for next year will be as follows:

  • Grown the trip capacity even more… we’re basically at 500 already.
  • Increase the capacity and frequency of beginner lessons to ensure our club helps to make snowsports accessible to beginners.
  • Be an active committee member, helping wherever relevant to ensure snowsports can provide you with the best experience.
  • Be more organised behind the scenes.

I’m always happy to bore you with anything mildly snowsports, so if you want to know why mittens are better than gloves or hear why three-piece boots are the only boots you should buy, feel free to find me on social media.

If you have found yourself on the ICSC Announce chat, you know where to find me.

See you in Les Arcs.

Solly xxxxxxxx