I'm Soumil, and I'd love to be your Senior Events Officer for the next year. I'm sure that all the other candidates have great talking points too - so let's talk about what sets me apart:
- I've attended a LOT of events: international conferences, VIP experiences, hacker houses and more. This means I've seen the best (and worst) that events have had to offer - food ideas, cool locations, admin processes, quirky entertainment choices - leaving me with a wealth of experience as to what makes a great event.
- I'm good with money: I've been put in charge of 4 and (once) 5-figure budgets before - and there have the neccessary experience to balance comfortable spending with keeping costs down.
- I'm a good planner: through various jobs and volunteer roles over the years, I've been responsible for planning and handling groups often in the hundreds to thousands range - whether I'm allocating work to developer teams, timetabling for students at multi-day competitions or scheduling AMAs on Twitter Spaces.
- I have a passion for fun, larger events: as Senior Events Officer, I'd hope to build on and maintain DoCSoc's existing track-record of hosting amazing events year-round - while pushing for new large-scale events that come close to the grandeur and intensity of IC Hack.
I hope the above will set me up to plan and successfully execute the events that YOU want over the coming year. I look forwards to working with you members, my fellow events officers, and the Union!
Thanks for reading!