Ray Shakhraychuk
Hello, my name is Ray and I am running to be the Social Secretary for the Book Club. I am campaigning for this role because I am an avid reading enjoyer, but even more than that, I am a planner at heart. You might remember me from the meetings as I am not known for shutting up and am always eager to share my (usually extreme) opinions of the books we read. I love our monthly meetings and I am excited to spice them up by adding other activities. Obviously, the loved classics like the Quiz Night, the Christmas Dinner and the Book Crawl would stay (with the last one possibly getting additional places to visit). From my own ideas, I would love for us to have a “TBR Addition Night”(a title in working), a meeting where every person makes a short presentation to recommend their favourite book to everyone else. That way, one would be able to talk about the book they love, others could find a possible next read and everyone would get to know others’ books taste a bit better. The same format would also work for the last book people read. This could be fun as it would allow for an honest review and give people space to vent about the last non-club book they read. Overall, I hope to be a good help to the members of the Book Club and organise the events to be the best they can be. Thank you :)