Photo of Zach Cox

Zach Cox

Medical Education: Year 4 Coordinator

Hi, I'm Zach (3rd year med) for those of you that don't know me :) I'm running for Year 4 Coordinator not to chase clout or add to my CV😭but because I want to put my organisational skills and dedication to academics to use in order to make sure all the Year 4 students have as smooth and enjoyable an experience as possible. I'm already aware of the responsibilities this role comes with, like organising lecture series and Intro to BSc talks. I'm also confident I can translate my experience in consistently handling the logistics of other big operations like ICSM Orchestra to make sure that all the events MedEd puts on for Year 4 are well planned and effectively run. Having spent hundreds of hours tutoring, I also have a solid understanding of what good education involves, so I'm looking forward to working closely with guest speakers and lecturers to make sure information is delivered effectively to you all. Most importantly, we're all split up into 16 different BSc pathways (17 if anyone chooses haem lol) – meaning it's extra important that everyone across the year has approachable and reliable points of contact. I hope to be one of those people, and those that know me may attest that I'm kind and easy to talk to. unfortunately those that don't know me will just have to take my word for it x

That's all I have to say, I would really appreciate your vote‼️