Photo of Nichchalan Jeganathan

Nichchalan Jeganathan

Acute Care Specialities : Intensive Care Lead

Hey guys,

I am Nichchalan, a third year medical student, running for intensive care lead.

As intensive care lead, I hope to:

  • Organise talks from healthcare staff that are experienced in this field
  • Facilitate the delivery of workshops on different aspects of intensive care (e.g. developing clinical skills that are critical in intensive care, recognising the different protocols in intensive care, etc.)
  • Organise a potential crash course on the principles of intensive care

Of course, to ensure that the intensive care sessions are most useful, your input is critical and so I would be more than happy to hear any thoughts that you may have, and will try my best to address any concerns or expectations.

I have had experience with mentoring (for both academic and non-academic subjects) which developed my communication skills, and also reinforced to me the importance of having a good guide. I hope with the skills I have learnt from this, I am able to deliver high quality and enjoyable sessions.

Thank you.