Photo of Dharun Srirathan

Dharun Srirathan

Neuro: Conference Chair

Hello everyone, my name is Dharun and I am running to be your conference chair. As the current neurology lead of neuroscience society, I have helped out at the Meeting of the Minds’ 25 conference, allowing me unique insight into how the day’s run. Having loved the huge variety of speakers and workshops at this year’s conference, I would love to oversee hosting this amazing event next year.

My interest in neuroscience began with my EPQ, exploring the genetic and environmental factors influencing brain regions associated with IQ. This interest has been further enhanced, through becoming a Meded neuroscience lecturer, where I can share my passion for this subject with younger students. Organising Megamaalai Ball for Imperial Tamil Society, which had over 700 attendees, provided me with crucial leadership experience in running a big event, teaching me to how to delegate, but also how to stay calm under pressure and adapt quickly when necessary.

My main aims for the upcoming year are:

- Ensuring that the whole day of lectures and workshops runs smoothly and caters to all students, regardless of their degree.

- Introducing a more interactive element into the workshops, for instance doing a live EEG.
- Covering a wide range of topics in the conference, ranging from neurosurgery to the mechanics of the brain to pathologies of neurodegenerative diseases.

- Collaborating with other universities to make this a national conference.

Vote for me for conference chair if you want Imperial’s biggest and best neuroscience conference yet!