Photo of Srisneha Mettu

Srisneha Mettu

Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières: Vice President: Events

Hello! My name is Sneha, a 3rd year medical student and I am running for Events Vice President of FoMSF. In the past 2 years, I have held the roles of social secretary, innovation coordinator and as of this year, President of the society. As President of FoMSF, the society has:

  • Raised approximately 1200 pounds for MSF
  • Created and establish brand new successful events for FoMSF
  • A 40% increase in the number of members of our society

It has been a real privilege to hold these roles. I have learnt so much about MSF, organising events based on humanitarian medicine, fundraising events and marketing. I have also learnt how to create, plan and manage new events. As Events VP,

  • I will aim to foster passion in this demanding, yet rewarding field by holding events/workshops to encourage awareness of career options and build useful skills for employment in disaster medicine.
  • Collaborate with other societies such as cultural/arts societies in fundraising.

Humanitarian work is intrinsically connected to my persona and I have extensively researched humanitarian medicine, career paths, and read multiple accounts of humanitarian workers (Dr. David Nott is the legend). It would be an incredible privilege to be Vice- President and believe my skills and dedication make me a great candidate. Please feel free to contact me with any queries or ideas. ( Thank you!