Ilya Schor
I am a second-year Mechanical Engineering student and want to be your Head of Events. I've been an active society member and participated in this year's Algocourse. I have committee experience as Vice-Chair of the Film Society and Education Officer of the Jewish Society. I also have broad event-organising experience, including summer camps and conferences.
Next year, I aim to improve current events and introduce fresh ideas.
While I enjoyed the Algo Course, I think some aspects can be improved. I’ll offer an intensive weekend “crash-course” for those unable to attend weekly sessions. The Block-Scholes lecture was excellent; I plan to invite more top-tier quant speakers and College researchers to teach the course. Together, we'll compile a list of stats/ML-related UROPs exclusively for our members.
Although I missed the Algothon and heard mixed feedback, I plan to run it again because the concept is excellent. I’ll ensure flawless organisation by seeking help from societies experienced in hosting hackathons.
For new events, I plan a quant conference on campus with top-firm speakers and exclusive workshops. I also plan a long-term trading competition with virtual capital, where the best Sharpe ratio wins an exclusive internship/prize. I’ll collaborate with Investment, Finance or Blockchain Society for relevant events, but also PokerSoc, RAG or cultural groups for special events.
I’m considering an international trip—like Investment Soc’s Frankfurt trip—possibly to Amsterdam, to discover all the quant firms thriving in the Dutch capital! My Dutch fluency would help organise it.
Thanks for reading, please vote for me!