Photo of Oles Chaban

Oles Chaban

Algorithmic Trading: Head of Trading

Hello, we are Oles and Trey, first-year Mathematics students co-running for the position of head of trading for the Algorithmic Trading Society.

Below are our backgrounds:

(Oles): I have experience lecturing, teaching 30+ students about mathematics beyond the curriculum. The last two years I have also placed best in the UK in a Jane Street mathematical modelling competition, due to my thorough understanding of the process of building a robust model, and this is something I would like to add to the AlgoCourse.

(Trey): Through various competitions and personal trading, I have accumulated knowledge in programming, statistics, and mathematical finance. Currently, I am working under contract on an algorithmic trading system together with PhDs and professionals, as well as on a polymarkets trading bot together with an external quant finance society.

We believe that our combined backgrounds provide us with the relevant expertise for this position. As HoTs, our goal is to transform the learning experience to be more fun and accommodating to a wider spectrum of people, and ultimately boost interest and attendance throughout the year. To do this, we plan to do the following:

  • Revamp the lecture series to build stronger foundational mathematics and statistics, and carry into the second term with more specialized topics and research paper reading groups;
  • have more guest speakers/lecturers to talk about algorithmic trading in the different asset classes;
  • introduce office visit opportunities;
  • and to collaborate with the blockchain and AI societies in our events.

Vote for us to overtake investment soc.