Photo of Amelia McAlister

Amelia McAlister

Swim and Waterpolo: Women's Waterpolo Captain (BUCS)

As your current women’s captain, I would love to be given the chance to keep a women’s team alive next year. As some of you may be aware, by the end of this year there will only be two women left on the team (shout out to the lovely Darby), and the competitive side of me will not let this be the end of the only women’s water polo team at imperial. I will do anything to keep us afloat – even if that means forcing the men’s team to run freshers fair in speedos.

Also, to all the female swimmers that haven’t tried water polo out yet please come give it a go whenever you want! We’re a welcoming bunch and you’re more than welcome to shoot me a text for all questions and queries (I’m Milly on the ICSWP whatsapp gc), or if you just want to have chat!

Finally, even though my entire team is abandoning me to go to Australia or something stupid, I will work day and night to fix this the team. So, if you don’t mind me drowning a new generation of freshers in the name of training, vote for me (there’s literally no other option).