Leia Bearelly
My name is Leia, and I’m a second-year BMB with Management student. Having actively participated in many ICWIB events over the past two years, I’m eager to join the committee and contribute to this incredible community.
The WIB mission to empower women in all fields of business deeply resonates with me as a STEM student with a keen interest in finance and consulting. My goal is to help other women to break into fast-paced, male dominated fields like these.
What I will do:
- Create visually appealing and informative social media posts that highlight our events, achievements, and opportunities for members.
- Provide guidance and resources to help WIB members navigate their career journey.
- Use insights from surveys to improve society opportunities and events, tailored to our members’ needs.
With experience using design software such as Canva to make posters for other societies, I have developed a strong ability to create engaging content and develop a dynamic online presence. I’m creative, analytical, and committed to amplifying ICWIB’s voice through effective marketing.
Thank you for your time, and I would really appreciate your vote :))