Salina Bartley
Hello!! I am Salina, a second-year medical student, and I'd like to be your publicity officer next year. I've really enjoyed studying how the GI system and liver work and the different ways they can go wrong.
As the Publicity Officer for the Gastroenterology & Hepatology Society, I will work to increase the visibility and engagement with our society to ensure that our events and educational content reach a broad audience. I have previously done publicity for Discover Islam Week at Imperial, which included making multiple posters and media on different platforms for a really event-packed 2 weeks (there were events almost everyday!) I learnt the importance of having a clear plan on when and who is making media and how to keep viewers engaged. One of the things we implemented was posting Islamic facts throughout the week and at the end of the week, having a quiz. I think this is something that could really effectively be implemented for gastro and Hep soc since they're quite challenging topics to understand, and providing bite-sized chunks of information is a great way to help people learn. It's also a really fun way to learn.
I am also quite well-versed in Canva since I've made posts in the past for DIW and I really enjoyed making them look pretty, educational and eyecatching. I also love art and being creative in general!
Please vote for me!! <3