Photo of Tanya Jayakar

Tanya Jayakar

Gastroenterology & Hepatology : Chair

Hi! I'm Tanya a 4th year medic doing gastrohep BSc and I would love if you would consider me for chair next year!

I've always found gastro interesting and I've been on gastrohep soc comm since 2nd year as education officer and gen exec and have helped with events such as the teaching series, gastrohep promotion and welcome fair.

As chair I would love to bring back the same events as this year such as the gastrohep BSc ICA tutorial series and the joint UCL gastrohep conference. I would also aim to run a tutorial series for years 1-3 about gastro lectures and a speciality spotlights series where consultants in the field of gastrohep highlight the different superspecialities possible post gastroenterology training. I'd also love to organise more comm socials and events

I feel I would be suitable for this role as I have experience in teaching and in leadership, running teaching series as the passpom meded lead last year, volunteering as lead teacher with nutritank and I have given over 30 tutorials with meded, MM and ICSM vision.

Finally, I have had an amazing time doing gastrohep BSc this year and love being on gastrohep soc so I would be very grateful for the opportunity to lead this wonderful and really friendly society!

Thank you!