Simi Adewale
Hi, my name’s Simi and I would love to be your VP Events officer this year!
Being an Events officer and Psychstart lead this year has really sparked my wish for Psychsoc to host a wider range of events and become a closer-knit society.
In this role, I would love to take my skills of delegation and organisation (e.g. from my role of Early years co-ordinator of MedED which involved organising tutorials, the CPA Mock exam and launching an Anatomy teaching series) and channel that into creating fun and more frequent enjoyable events.
As a VP Events I would also love to pioneer a flagship Psychsoc event- Clinical case and ethics debate. Psychiatry is highly interlinked with medical ethics and having a fun, interactive event that combines the too would be a great way to boost engagement and strengthen the Psychsoc community.
I look forward to being your new VP Events officer!
Simi :)