Devanshi Kaura
Many say that the university experience is not characterized only by what you learn in your course, but how you extend yourself outside of it. I am Devanshi Kaura, and as Workshop Manager for Des Soc I hope to help people strive for something greater and reach the places they wish to get to.
Design Engineering is an all-encompassing course, and yet it may not include what you want, in the depth that you'd like - maybe that's CAD, maths, coding & robotics or designing. As workshop manager I wish to fill these gaps by conducting workshops by professionals to up-garde your skillset.
Moreoever I want to compensate for missing links in the course by conducting worshops for - CV and report writing and network building to help students understand what they can do to improve their chances of finding a better role in industry.
Additionally, I want to run worshops between different socities, so that Design engineering students have the same opportunities as those in Art Soc, Robotics, EEE...
Lastly, creating inter-year advice sessions, and contact is something that I believe everyone will bennifit from.
Creating opportunities for students through Des Soc is how I wish to create meaningful change in the Imperial Design community.
Thank you for reading my manifesto, and if anything resonated with you, do vote for me!