Hi, I’m May and I’m running for RTS chair!
For me, at first I was put off plastics, thinking that it's commercially driven and even superficial due to the focus on cosmetics, which may be true to a certain extent. But going to the plastics evening lecture series last year and the RTS conference this year changed my views. Seeing the way surgeons could restore functions in parts of the body in creative ways made me see plastics in a new light. I’m running for RTS chair this year because the RTS conference expanded my horizons and preconceptions about plastics and I’m hoping to do that for attendees the coming year. I think the beauty of plastics is the variety and so I'm introducing the theme of 'Plastics,from Head to Toe'. (see pdf).
Skills I have relevant to role:
-Communication and teamwork-working as an HCA as part of the MDT and also through volunteering as a caseworker in Doctors of the World where I’ve had to work in collaboration with charities and GPs to help migrants access healthcare.
-Leadership and organisation- Form leader during Sixth Form where I’ve had to plan and organise events and lead a class of students for 2 years. Tutoring students through various platforms in first year, where I've had to balance my time with academics and organize efficiently to prepare for each session. To bring about a successful conference, I will plan well ahead of time to reach out to speakers and demonstrators.