Having thoroughly enjoyed the RTS conference this year, I would love to be part of organising it next year. I have experience leading a medical society which ran regular sessions, and sometimes involved bringing in a consultant speaker. I am confident I can identify and contact numerous professionals for the RTS conference. Having planned events for 200+ people, I understand the collaborations involved with different disciplines, and I intend to start planning early to secure the best options possible for the conference. This will also allow time for any challenges and changes to be accommodated, including room changes and speaker drop-outs. Having attended numerous conferences, I appreciate the improvements many require, as well as what makes them great. Using my experience as inspiration, and working with my partner, I am confident it will make for a fantastic RTS conference next year.
- Theme on Modernisation.
- Talks directed at taking unconventional pathways in your career (research, abroad, private, teaching, etc.)
- Talks about how our generation of junior doctors will be different to what we see today in placement (eg. Gender reaffirmation, emerging technologies).
- During workshops, include printed-out guides showing step-by-step the process of the workshop we are doing, in case some delegates struggle to follow.
- For practiced delegates, give additional complex tasks (eg. Using a TRAM flap to reconstruct the breast).
- Fundraise before and during the conference through bake sales and raffles, to raise money for the conference and for charity. Advertise these events widely using additional posters.