Vishal Vijay Kumar
Clinical Genetics: President
Hello everyone,
My name is Vishal, and I'm the current Academic Officer for ClinGen and I'm running to be your future president.
My qualifications for the role
- Played a key part in the organisation of the first inaugural multi society POM teaching series for first year medics
- Delivered Genetics tutorials for first years
- Experience in principal roles in multiple other societies - Managing budgets of around £15000, organising multiple conferences with 300+ attendees and external professional speakers including doctors and researchers.
As president I will focus on the following domains,
- Develop the ClinGen first year teaching series that I helped deliver this year
- Strengthen our collaboration with other societies to deliver a combined, comprehensive first year teaching series
Conferences & Networking
- Bring back the annual ClinGen conference to deliver an exciting and educational conference
- Organise more special lectures across the year delivered by researchers doing cutting edge research & opportunities to network with them
Consultant-signed certificates
- Only consultant signed certificates are valid for many formal applications such as specialty training applications for medics
- I will seek out a consultant patron for ClinGen, with certificates issued for volunteering with the society & participating in society activities like teaching, conferences, special lectures
- Seek out more sponsorships for the society so that we have the money to deliver better events
- Develop merchandise for those who wish to represent the society
Thank you for reading my manifesto and I hope you vote for me!