Xerxes Perry
Hi I am very interested in bolstering History Soc next year, I am also running for treasurer so please vote for me there, but i will also put my (edited) manifesto here for your convenience, and because I will not shy away from making the most of oppurtunities!
I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with HistorySoc over the past year, from narrowly losing the quiz to actual History students from KCL (by 1/πe points or something similar) and exploring the foundations of London in the “Mithraeum” trip.
Reasons you should vote me for HistorySoc minister of coin Trade (Treasurer marketing officer)
- Cool Historical name
- Experience handling budgets as a Mech Eng y2 year representative
- Studied Greek and Latin so I can give you a butchered translation of any inscriptions that may carry across the semantics.
- I am very interested in history from all parts of the world so could bring some diversity alongside the all of the fun locally focused events
- One of the few people followed by the society Instagram page (highest honour available)
- Diogenes is my sprit animal
- Could potentially do historical reenactmants with my fencing and (allbeit minute) HEMA experience, +with sharp objects from living in south London
- Very organised, coherently structred manifesto.
- Very freeflowing and adaptable personality, as evidenced by my bullet points above.
Please vote for me I would appreciate it massively!! Sum Senatorum Populorumque Historiae!! (I forgot case endings ibr) παρειμι των πολων!!!
("Photo" from Xerxes I @ Persepolis relief @ National Museum of Iran)