Photo of Ashley Luo

Ashley Luo

Asian Medical Students Association: Academic Officer

Hi! I’m Ashley and I am excited to run for Academic Officer of AMSA! As a 2nd year medical student committed to academic improvement and peer support, I believe this role provides me with the perfect opportunity to achieve this.

My vision:

  • Ensuring smooth running of Mock exams such as CPA, OSCE and PACES via early planning and recruitment of subcommittees at least 2 months before.
  • I will provide year-specific workshops and tutorials – especially on topics such as Anatomy and clinical skills
  • Setting up Q&A forums or study groups where younger years can have their academic queries answered by older years.
  • I aim to set up mock MMI circuits to help prospective medical students – ensures AMSA is providing support for all parts of the medicine journey
  • Continuing the AMSA careers series talks, inviting and organising speakers early to make sure there are interesting talks from a variety of specialties throughout the year.

Why I’m suitable:

  • As Education Society Chair, I was directly responsible for inviting speakers and liaising with their team to plan the logistics of each visit – developing invaluable skills in working with external organisations
  • As Captain of Sports, I collaborated with different teams and coaches to organise and run sporting events – ability to time manage and work to strict deadlines
  • I have a strong commitment to education, providing consistent academic support to my peers and lower years, tutoring for medical interviews.

Thanks for reading, I hope I can count on your vote!