Photo of Gangah Sivapooranan

Gangah Sivapooranan

MedTech: Treasurer

Hi, my name is Gangah and I'm a third-year medical student. I've always been fascinated by how technology is shaping the future of healthcare and I believe that MedTech society is a great way to help students explore this space. I'm running for Treasurer because I want to ensure that the society has the funding and resources to continue growing and offering amazing opportunities.

I have gained financial experience through managing budgets and funding through past experience in accounting jobs and previous committee roles. Currently, as a member of the Doctorpreneurs subcommittee, I am helping with marketing and sponsorships - skills I plan to bring to MedTech society. Additionally, I will prioritise clear financial reporting so members know how funds are allocated.

If elected, I would love to help increase sponsorships to enhance events; strategically budget to help reduce costs and ticket prices for students. As a treasurer, I would also like to contribute to supporting innovation by allocating funds to student-led MedTech projects and competitions.

Please vote for me - with your support, I can help MedTech society grow and thrive!