Photo of Jin Tao Zhang

Jin Tao Zhang

Cardiovascular: Head of Research and Education

Hi! I'm Jin Tao and I'm running for Cardiovascular Head of Research and Education. I am committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. With experience as ICSM Vision and MedED secretary, I have honed my ability to organise engaging initiatives, promote research opportunities, and connect students with experts in their respective professions.

In this role, I would like to:

  • Bridge the gap between students and cardiovascular research by supporting conference leads by looking for inspiring speakers and demonstrators for the cardiovascular conference.
  • Look into organising networking events to support students who are interested in the field of cardiology and cardiothoracics.
  • Work with other ICSMSU societies to run tutorials focusing on cardiology topics taught within the MBBS course..

Thank you for reading and I hope to get your vote!