Kriti Palakeeti
Hi, My name is Kriti and I'm a first year medic !
O&B has always been a specialty I've been interested in. Having been diagnosed with PCOS myself, and gone through the struggle of fighting for my health issues to be recognised. I truly believe empowering women is so important and I’ve loved the work of the society I’ve seen so far. The subjects chosen for the conference as well as journal club have been topical and really made me question my understanding of research. I would love to be a part of this amazing society and I believe I would be best suited to do this as an Early Years Officer.
The role would entail leading the lectures and liaising with fellow peers as well as admin involved with feedback and certificates, involving organisation skills and commitment. In my sixth form, I led a similar position as biology yellow, being in charge of a lecture series and guest speakers for the podcast so am familiar with what the role will involve. I am currently on the ICSM vision subcommittee and in the position have had to help recruit volunteers and create resources for workshops, so I understand how to recruit students for the lectures and what would make it sound enticing.
As a first year student, I really value all the support given by older years via resources and lectures and would love to give back next year as an early years officer !