Photo of Mayuri Mahesan

Mayuri Mahesan

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Year 2 & 4 Academic Officer

Hi, I'm Mayuri, and I would love to be your Year 2 & 4 Academic Officer this year!

As a fourth-year student currently studying the Reproductive and Developmental Sciences BSc, I am super passionate about Obstetrics & Gynaecology. I am eager to contribute to ICOGS by supporting early-year students in their academic journey, fostering their interest in this specialty, and helping them build confidence in the Development & Ageing topic. I hope to achieve this by:

  • Organising engaging and informative lectures on Development & Ageing
  • Recruiting enthusiastic tutors - including colleagues from my current RDS cohort
  • Creating a supportive learning environment - by ensuring lecture recordings and notes are easily accessible

I look forward to enhancing academic support and making learning Development & Ageing an easier task!