Photo of Homare Shimada

Homare Shimada

Women in Business: Sponsorship Manager

Hi! My name is Homare. I’m an Economics, Finance and Data Science first year student running for Sponsorship Manager!
I remember my first social ever at Imperial, I went to the bar social for Women in Business and can still remember how welcoming everyone was! Since then, every event I’ve been to has been so informative and helpful. I feel like there’s a non-judgemental and free vibe that is unique to Women in Business and I would love to continue fostering that next year!

Here’s a quick summary before I get into the details:
Have diverse sponsors!
Host more events with sponsors!
Keep it easy for members to try different industries
I have experience running a society at my high school (tripling members over 2 years and organising for external people to come in)
Overall, continue to grow and foster Women in Business :)
Now onto the details…
My biggest motivation in running for this role is helping other people to keep considering other industries. Compared to the start of the year, I think a lot of my friends have considered finance more and more simply because everyone else is, and because they have less opportunities to be informed of other industries.
Through a diverse range of sponsors(such as finance, consulting, VC, tech) I would love to help members consider different industries and sectors and be more confident about the industry they settle down in.
I hope I convinced you to vote for me :)