Photo of Yusef Al-Bahrani

Yusef Al-Bahrani

Surgical: Research Representative

My name is Yusef, and I am honored to stand as a candidate for the role of Research Representative. I am deeply committed to advancing research within surgical society.

Summary of aims and objectives:

  • Create a mentorship programme where students can be mentored by experienced researchers who can offer key insights and guiding students
  • Create and document a network that will help support students get in contact with research they may be interested in
  • Enhance teaching to help students understand how they can publish their own studies, collect data and conduct analysis of the data.

My previous experiences have allowed me to develop the skills necessary to represent the research interest of surgical society, including:

  • Working in collaboration with a PHD student to collate data that aimed to use AI to better diagnose Brugada syndrome.
  • Created a research project that studied the significance of genotyping in modern day medicine

My vision would be to create a better link with researchers and students who would like to get experience or even co-author in the studies by carrying out conferences, workshops and creating a network with researchers.

A mentorship programme where students can be paired with experienced researchers who can offer key insights and guidance as to how to develop their study and even where they can access funding.

Furthermore, I aim to educate memebers of our society on how to create and publish their own studies and also increase the impact of their publications.

Together we can achieve more,

Yusef Al-Bahrani