Ivan Titarenko
I’m Ivan Titarenko, a second-year Biomedical Engineering student, and I’m running for Social Tennis Captain next year! I have only joined ICSM Tennis this year, but it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made at university! I started out being a complete bigger to tennis, and now I have become a still-inexperienced-but-hopefully-better player, especially thanks to the training and support I’ve received from the society. But the biggest highlight has been all the social events held throughout the year, from sports nights to dinners to pub crawls. They’ve been a fantastic way to meet people, have fun, and create memories.
If I’m lucky enough to be your Social Tennis Captain, I want to make sure the social side of tennis becomes even better than it is now! I’ll represent the voices of everyone involved, ensuring that sessions are not only fun but also helpful for improving our skills. I’ll also push to get more people involved in our social events, because at the end of the day, the people are what make tennis great! I’ll take into account what members want and expect from these events, and see if there’s any way to tailor them to improve engagement.
Even though I’m still a new member, I’ve been to nearly every session and social event, so I feel like I can accurately represent the social tennis community, and bridge the gap between players and the committee. Let’s make next year even better than this one!