Simran Kainth
Akilesh and I have been Equipment Officers for this past year, throughout this role we believe we have showed our commitment to helping out in each and every visit and we have attended almost every single visit in our two years at Imperial. Our role also included communicating with suppliers for T-shirts, stickers and tote bags. This experience will be invaluable in communicating with the schools which we have the privilege of visiting each week.
As school liaison officers we will ensure regular feedback forms and asking volunteers at visits to make continual changes throughout the year to improve the society, especially for newer volunteers to make it an even more welcoming community. We noted on the feedback received this year that chaperones would appreciate more time spent on what their role entails. What was suggested was to have “Chaperone Cards” to help ensure chaperones get to enjoy the sessions.
I have also been involved in making feedback forms in my role on subcommittee for Transplant and Vascular Society. Akilesh also helped organise communicating and ordering meat, creating the timetable and helped keep time throughout the day for the TVS conference. These skills would be helpful in communicating and keeping on top of school visits. We are really grateful for the work our predecessors have done in reaching out to schools and booking the main event and look forward to continuing to be a part of the Teddy Bear Hospital Community.