Photo of Esandhi Thilakarathne

Esandhi Thilakarathne

TeddyBear Hospital: Chair

Hello everyone, we’re Esandhi and PV, and we’d love to be your presidents next year! As active and passionate members, it would be an honour to lead the society forward.

Why us

This year alone, we've enlisted new schools, organized a highly successful collaboration with Barts, and created a new caption competition.

Over three years on committee, PV directed the subcommittee's negotiations in second year and showed determination and communication skills in year 3 and 4 – plus contributing to various other odd-jobs!

Esandhi’s passion for TBH has been evident ever since she was awarded “most dedicated volunteer.” Last year she was also part of the first student-only Schwartz round panel and hopes to bring her drive for innovation and communication skills from her tutoring to this role.

Overall, we bring a plethora of skills to continue TBH as a fun and rewarding society for all!

Our goals

  1. Supporting new volunteers: “buddy system,” and more chaperone guidance.
  2. More socials: before first visit, at Christmas, summer Teddy Bear Picnic!
  3. New merch, including teddies!
  4. More communication: Roadmap of visits per term, allowing volunteers to plan ahead, and increased updates within committee

We'd love to facilitate your ideas, work hard on your behalf, and ensure that our society remains a place of positive impact and community spirit. We do put our heart and soul into TBH and it brings a lot of joy for us.

Vote PV & Esandhi for Co-Chairs!