Photo of Hannah Seo

Hannah Seo

Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine: Communications Officer

Hello PHEM members!

My name is Hannah and I am running to be the Communications Officer for next year.

Having been actively involved with PHEM Society this year as part of the committee, next year, I would love to be able to further contribute through making sure that all the administrative aspects run smoothly whilst making sure that PHEM is an inclusive and supportive society.

Here are some reasons why you should consider voting for me:

  1. Passion & experience: as a current committee member and keen member of PHEM, I have good insight into how the society is run, what works best, and what could be improved to improve your experience of the society as members. The current committee has worked closely together so far to ensure the opportunities that we are able to offer and I would maintain this high level of teamwork to ensure PHEM thrives next year too.
  2. Organisation: as an organised person with experience of being a secretary and planning events for large numbers of people from concerts to lecture series to retreats, I would be able to keep on top of all the tasks of Communications Officer (E-activities, meeting minutes, room bookings etc.) as well as communicate effectively with our members.
  3. Inclusivity & Collaboration: working closely with the committee and responding to feedback on how to improve/what to strengthen and do more of to maximise benefits for our society members.

Thank you very much for reading & I would appreciate your support!