Philip Kaloudis
My name is Filippos Akylas Kaloudis and I am a first-year undergraduate. From the very moment I set foot on campus, anxious about my future at Imperial, I felt embraced by the Physoc family that helped me familiarize myself with the new environment. From quiz nights to fun debates and physics conferences, my participation in events organized by Physoc has not only been an ensuing form of entertainment but has also enabled me to grow as a physicist by bringing me closer to like-minded students. As the Physoc events officer, my goal would be to continue the great work of the committee, enhance the outreach of the society diversify the activities offered by the society through events both related to Physics and students’ other interests by collaborating with other societies or other universities’ physics societies with the aim of collectively growing as physicists and, most importantly, having fun and feeling immersed in Imperial’s diverse physics community. Furthermore, I would try to strengthen the role of the society outside the UK, by initiating a network with Physics societies of other universities in the US and Europe and organize joint virtual events and presentations.