Photo of Sally Doong

Sally Doong

Physics: Events Officer

Hi! I’m Sally, a first-year student and I would love to be your Events Officer for Physoc next year!! :)

I am super committed to ensuring events next year are inspiring, smoothly-run, and definitely worth attending. If elected, I will:

  • Push for more joint events with other departments, universities, and societies
  • Improve existing events, suggesting new ones, including exploring the possibility of having more external visits and field trips
  • Work with committee to strengthen partnerships with organisations such as the IOP to make events even bigger
  • Increase more opportunities for students to have a voice, provide feedback, and get involved
  • Endeavour to secure even more free food/goodies at events! :D

Here's why I'd hopefully be a great fit for the role:

  • Lots of experience with event management
    • Helped run physics talks and events for the IOP, the Royal Institution, and CERN over the years
    • On the organising subcommittee for the 2025 TEDx conference at Imperial College
    • Involved in outreach at Imperial with Robotics Academy and WNBiP
  • Reliable and will deliver results
    • Recently became a Student Ambassador at ICL
    • Have leadership experience from Sixth Form e.g. Head Girl and School Council
  • have excellent maths cake decorating skills (see pic) which will definitely come in handy๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿง๐Ÿฎ

I'm so excited to be more involved within Blackett and I'd be very grateful for your support- thank you so much for your consideration!