Ewan Christie
Hello sirs and sires of ICURFC,
Looking like it's me vs RON for this. A toughie I know. That said with my experience with social seccing, getting egregiously drunk abroad and general love for the boys and holidays I think I can outdo RON. Any worries about me having too much on my plate with both treasurer and this should be abolished as I'd happily do this in my free time or when pranging out on a Thursday morning. Also it couldn't hurt that the man who knows where the clubs money is, is also in charge of tour.
However I plan on using this to hold you all as my political prisoners (probably not the correct term but hey we move). Should I be voted for both this and treasurer I will promise our tour gets nice, silly tour sunny to a hot sunny European beach city or an Eastern European city where beer is cheaper than water, the women are all 8s minimum and the nightlife has us foaming at the mouth. However if not - a Milton Keynes November tour may be what you're in for.
Oh also I'll try see if Andy was actually open to a wee Norway ski trip for us.
I'll be your pleasurer and your treasurer,