Photo of Nathan Long

Nathan Long

Quiz: Treasurer

Hi guys I'm Nathan as you may know, and I'm running for treasurer! As the resident finance bro and economist of the society, I feel I'm best placed to hold this position, and hopefully prevent the society from collapsing into financial turmoil. Under my management, we can look forward to more UC watch parties with pizza (or other goodies) provided. As a dismal scientist, I can pledge to get all the economics and social science questions so YOU don't have to. What's more, through the art of monetary persuasion, I can promise for absolute certain that every single quiz we play again will consist of 20/20 Things That You Know, and contain no dour classical music or art (unless you are Justin Keung in which case you can have it all). I'd also like to get next year's freshers involved in tournaments through fun and easy packets with a good mix of challenge and brain rot. What could also be interesting is continuing to promote shorter form quiz content, either through half day tournaments or a more quick fire format, which can hopefully act as gateway-quiz for people who might be hesitant to commit to a full day of quizzing and waking up early. My skills include: adding and subtracting, immaculate pizza taste, knowing economics, and being there on mondays most of the time. All in all, please vote for me as I am nice and not useless please thanks :)