Photo of Charlie Barklam

Charlie Barklam

Musical Theatre: Webmaster

While I only watched MTSoc from a distance last term, I have immensely enjoyed every second of MT this term, from Cabarets to Spring Shows, and it would be a great privilege to carry my newfound love towards being a commited member of committee next year.

To quickly mention my suitability for the role, by the time of next year, I'll be a second year Computing student (assuming I survive my exams), with a collection of WebDev skills picked up from my degree so far. A fun quirky fact about me that you might not know, is that English isn't in fact my first language, but is in fact the Web2Py python library, which my mother tells me I knew from the age of 18 months.

Those who know me may know of my creativity, sometimes for then better or worse, but regardless, I promise that the MT Stash will feel every positive effect, as I envision a hundred laptops with MT stickers covering each and every face, and even possibly some cool comfy socks.

It's the age of electronic dinosaurs and cybernetic sheep, the age where it's more fun than ever to have a super cool online presence. Coding is my Cabaret, and I feel inclined to ask What Would You Do? without Charlie 'Berger' Barklam at the helm of MT's website.