Nana Opoku
Hello, I'm Nana - a second year medic and member of Vision's subcommittee.
I first came to know ICSM Vision as an aspiring medic in year 13. I attended the MMA day and gained invaluable insight and help from the society. I always say I owe a huge part of studying med at Imperial to ICSM Vision, and vowed that I would give back to the society and help students who are in the position I was once in. I was privileged to join subcommittee this year and have loved every part of being a helping hand in making Vision the impactful society it is. Next year, I'd like to play an even bigger role - as secretary!
I have excellent organisation & admin skills and great attention to detail, which I have developed an excercised through various means such as doing all the admin as a private tutor and making resources for past Vision events. Teamwork was a major part of being subcommittee and I enjoyed engaging and communicating well with all members of committee and subcom, and will continue to do so as secretary. I have knowledge/experience of many aspects of the society (conferences, behind the scenes, Dr. Me etc.) and a well rounded person in general.
I vouch to stay on top of all communications, deliver in all responsibilities and continue to give back to the society that has given me so much.
Thank you for reading!