Vision: President


Vishal Vijay Kumar

Hello everyone! My name is Vishal, a third-year medical student and current Treasurer for Vision and I'm running to be your future president. As treasurer I have, Organised society finances, managed an account of ~£15000 Helped out in organising conferences, playing a vital part in budgeting Was part of the executive committee, making key decisions that dictate the direction and policy of the society ...

Jin Tao Zhang

Hi, I'm Jin Tao and I am running to be ICSM Vision president! I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the committee this year as secretary, and has reinforced that I strongly believe in the work that Vision does to help support the next generation of medical students. As secretary, I have been heavily involved in all aspects of work the society does, and I believe I have a strong understanding of what Vision stands for ...

angela Benson

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.