Baraa Sheryanna
I’m Baraa, a third-year medical student, and as a passionate member of this society, I’m excited to present myself as a candidate for the Chair position.
Our current chairs, Michael and Rishi, have done an excellent job at bringing this society back to life. Liaising with them ensured I had a clear understanding of their successes, along with opportunities for growth, which I plan to address during my term.
Here’s 4 key goals I’d like to achieve:
- The Annual Conference where members can network, improve their understanding of the extensive portfolio requirements and gain practical experience during Micro-Surgical skills workshops
- Educational tutorials by renowned ophthalmologists ranging from ‘days in the life’ to case discussions on ophthalmology related topics for students in clinical years
- Collaborations with ophthalmology societies from other medical schools, which ensures increased accessibility to valuable external events for members
- Introducing an open survey where members can request events and submit feedback, ensuring inclusivity and that all members have a say in how the society is run!
I understand that this is a group effort, and I hope to achieve this by working closely with Saad Ayub as Co-chair. Combining our leadership expertise, extensive contacts within internal and external societies and experience running tutorials for other societies will ensure the OphthalSoc is run efficiently and that these goals are met with precision.
Our primary goal is to bring OphthalSoc closer to its members, ensuring that it continues to thrive.
Thanks for your consideration and see you next year!