Photo of Raphael Sinai

Raphael Sinai

Robotics: Sponsorship Officer

Hi all (I'm on the right btw)! As sponsorship officer, I would ensure we keep strong links with companies who already sponsor us and reach out to plenty other related and cool companies who would want to help us.

Here are points I would address:

  • Talks - I will work closely with the Talks and Events Officers to organise company talks and events (potentially workshops) so that we can get a hands-on view of what our sponsors do.
  • Equipment - If we secure the right sponsors, we can get some pretty high-quality tools and components without burdening the rest of the society.
  • Connections - Who doesn't want to meet and get in touch personally with employers? What better way to do this than to get them on campus to talk to you! For this reason, I will make sure that our sponsors can be reached by you.
  • Listen to you - I also understand that many people have problems with some companies, and I will do my best to reach out to you and be sure that we are all on board with letting a particular company sponsor us. Further, if you have any suggestions, I will try my best to reach out to them and get them to sponsor us or even just take an interest in us, give talks, workshops, etc...

Be sure to check out my website in the manifesto media. I recommend using something with a mouse...

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto!