A Cappella: Treasurer


Charlie Barklam

When Jan, current Nth treasurer, heard I was running for Aca treasurer, he suggested that I propose his accounting philosophy in my application. While I can imagine the excitement of that cheeky little roulette ball landing on those big green zeroes, I thought it immature, and so I instead come to you as a reliable and trustworthy treasurer, and a solid guard against James Porter's thieving hands. Jokes aside, in my ...

Lucas Emmott

Hello everyone! I am Lucas Emmott and I am running for Acapella treasurer this year!! You may know me as a Techtonic fresher or just as a friendly face. I have really enjoyed my time in this society so far and I would like to give back as treasurer. Going into second year means I can dedicate plenty of time to this role and all its responsibilities. As equipment manager I have already had experience on a committee ...